Self Care Spirituality

The Ultimate Self Care Meditation

The Ultimate Self-Care Meditation
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As we kick-off 2021, self-care is more important than ever. We’re all recovering from a year filled with unprecedented global challenges, constant stress, and instability. 2020 forced us to open the full range of our resilience and integrate unpredictable circumstances into our daily lives. Most of us feel relieved to move forward, and in order to do that it’s essential we care for ourselves with devotion and grace.

Right now is your opportunity to get in action to powerfully support yourself no matter what your circumstances are.

We designed this gift for you to reduce stress and restore well-being in minutes. During this meditation you will access the relaxation response, a sacred space illuminated by peace and gratitude.

How to Make the Most of this Meditation

To make the most of this meditation, we invite you to create a ritual around meditating.

Your ritual might involve lighting scented candles or incense, sitting in a calm, quiet space, or setting a specific intention before getting started.

By bringing intentionality to your meditation experience, you signal to your unconscious mind that this is your time to relax.

So turn inwards and ask yourself what makes you feel truly relaxed. Then, give to yourself in the way that only you can. Be generous, as you would with a dear friend.

Prioritizing self-care is a choice. When we choose to live in well-being every day we invite our intuition to soar and our confidence to sing. And from here, we can see the blueprints to repurpose and reinvent our dreams for the new year.

Listen to the Ultimate Self Care Meditation

Press play to listen to the meditation now.

About Isabelle

Joyful Spiritual Woman on Beach

I’m a healer, teacher, and licensed therapist sharing tools to help you relieve stress and restore well-being.



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