How to Track Your Current Feel Good Level

Person framing a sunset with a heart shape made by their fingers.

Track Your Feel Good Level By Identifying Which Signals You're Experiencing Below

Red Zone Signals


  • Tense muscles

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • Shallow, rapid breathing

  • Clenched jaw

  • Clenched fists


  • Racing

  • Irrational

  • Negative

  • Anxious

  • Worried

  • Critical

  • Judgmental

  • Pessimistic


  • Anxious

  • Afraid

  • Irritable

  • Overwhelmed

  • Sad

  • Mad

  • Lonely


Green Zone Signals


  • Relaxed muscles

  • Slow, steady heartbeat

  • Deep, abdominal breathing


  • Calm

  • Positive

  • Logical

  • Sensible

  • Clear

  • Fewer thoughts


  • Joyful

  • Peaceful

  • Grateful

  • Connected

  • Inspired

  • Grounded

  • Happy

  • Hopeful


About The Feel Good Scale

The tool we use for awareness is called the Feel Good Scale. We can use it to identify where our stress level is on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest degree of stress, and 10 being the lowest degree of stress—where we're thriving.

The Feel Good Scale has 3 Zones: the Red Zone (levels 1-3) the Yellow Zone (levels 4-6), and the Green Zone (levels 7-10).


The Zones on the scale have signals that let you know you’re in them.

There are signals for your body, your mind, and your emotions… and all of these sources of information can be indicators to you as to which Zone you’re in.


About The Red Zone

When we're in the Red Zone, we feel like we're just surviving.

That’s because the Red Zone is based in a survival mechanism called the stress response that causes us to fight, flee, or freeze whenever we think we're in danger.

Oftentimes, the stress response gets triggered when we're not actually in danger—we just think that we are—and this can cause us to become upset, defensive, and destructive.

The Red Zone is a painful place to be because we feel unsafe and are wired to see what's wrong as well as to act before we think.

It's essential to be able to recognize when we're in the Red Zone so we can prevent ourselves from suffering and doing things we may regret.


About The Yellow Zone

When we're in the Yellow Zone, we feel like we're just getting by.

We're not in acute stress response, but we're not thriving, either.

We feel "fine"... but we know we could feel a whole lot better.

We might feel like we're "just going through the motions" and not particularly engaged, inspired, or passionate.

Many of us live our lives in the Yellow Zone, a place where things are "good enough," but where we long for more—we long to feel truly alive.


About The Green Zone

When we're in the Green Zone, we feel like we're having the time of our lives.

Our body's relaxation response is engaged, which allows us to feel safe enough to relax, slow down, and appreciate the present moment.

We're able to focus on what's right and as a result, are much more uplifted.

We're able to make kind, wise choices that support us in feeling healthy and connected. Our positive energy benefits everyone around us.


It’s Not You, It’s The Stress Response