Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
October 4th – November 1st, 2023
Master the Art of Building Better Habits that Last

Are you tired of setting goals and intentions, only to fall back into your old routines? Does it feel like you’re always starting over, despite your best efforts? You’re not alone, and it’s not your fault. The secret to lasting change isn’t about sheer willpower; it’s about the habits you cultivate.

Welcome to “Change Your Habits, Change Your Life,” a transformative course based on the Feel Good Life Methodology that gives you the keys to unlock a better you by developing new empowering habits and letting go of those that keep you from the life you desire.

Just Imagine…
Feeling Energized: When we shed the habits that no longer serve us and instead create a foundation of habits that do, we empower ourselves to thrive with a sense of purpose and vitality throughout our day.
Achieving Your Goals: Whether it’s stepping up to the next level in your career, losing weight, or committing to a daily spiritual practice, you’ll be supported to move from intention to execution.
Living Life on Your Terms: Finally break free from the constraints of your limiting habits and take control of your destiny.
When you complete this course, you won’t just have a list of new habits to try; you’ll have a complete toolkit to make them stick.
Make the decision to transform your life and your future!
I’m Ready to change my habits and my life
What you can look forward to:

By the end of week 1, you’ll have a new understanding of why you fall prey to disempowering habits and the reasons you have not been able to master them.

By the end of week 2, you will experience an up-leveling of your frequency through powerful, innovative practices that will positively impact all areas of your life.

By the end of week 3, you’ll have a turnkey methodology for meeting your innate needs and desires in positive ways that enhance your overall wellbeing.

By the end of week 4, you’ll walk away with proven strategies to overcome cravings and urges, to disengage in the middle of a habit, and to bounce back from slips up.

In Week 5, celebrate your journey and learn how to move forward confidently.

If you’re serious about change and committed to releasing disempowering habits in order to create the life you desire, this is program for you. Through uplifting community calls, in-the-moment coaching, interactive exercises, and real-world examples of transformation, you’ll discover a new understanding of what habits actually are and how to replace those that no longer serve you with positive, life-changing habits that do.
We’ve seen breakthroughs happen again and again…
Here’s what people are saying about the Feel Good Life Methodology:
Deborah Sings
I’ve done a lot of personal work but I’ve never done anything so profound in such a short period of time!
Lisa Keller
I am crying, but tears of joy and gratitude for the gift of this experience.
Sara Martinez
Beautiful, fulfilling, transformational, phenomenal.
Diane Kipper
Every day I thought it couldn’t be better than the day before and every day I was wrong! Every day just kept getting better and better!
Joanne Bernardi
I want everyone to know that this will absolutely change your life!
Raya Schroeder
I prayed for so many years for this. All of my prayers have been answered.
Kyle Pajor
This helps you identify the roots of whatever you’re struggling with and then uproot them once and for all.
Lisa Stowell
This showed me how to change things I’ve been trying to change for a longgggg time.
Esmeralda Camarena
My life will never be the same.
Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
Here’s exactly what you get:
Change Your Habits Change Your Life Intensive
5 weekly Zoom calls Wednesday from 5:00PM – 6:30PM MT that teach you to implement our signature Methodology to transform your habits, one step at a time.
Private Facebook Community Access
Connect with fellow participants for support, motivation, and inspiration.
[Bonus] 2x Weekly Group Accountability Sessions:
Join our weekly Zoom sessions Mondays and Fridays from 9:00AM – 9:30AM MT to practice “scripting” – declare your new vision for yourself, be witnessed by the group, and stay accountable to your goals.
You’ll also be able to access two live meditation sessions each week, hosted on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00AM – 7:15AM MT. Join us to cultivate a meditation practice and start your day with intentionality, presence, and peace.
Bonus for the First 10 Participants
The first 10 people to join will be mailed a set of mandala cards that offer powerful in-the-moment support for breaking unwanted habits.
Bonus for Enrolling by September 22
If you enroll by September 22, 2023, you’ll receive a FREE private, 45-minute session with either Isabelle or Philip. This personalized session is an opportunity to discuss your specific challenges and goals in more detail. You’ll receive individualized guidance and support to accelerate your transformation journey and help you get the most out of this intensive.
I’ve gone off antidepressants and discovered joy in my daily life.
J Marie Love
My chronic pain has significantly decreased.
Marsha Bensoussan
I’m in a relationship for the first time in 8 years.
Eric Luczak
My self-talk is so much less judgmental and so much more kind.
Hilary Peddicord
I’ve stopped overeating and lost 30 pounds.
Raya Schroeder
I’m more present and I’ve fallen in love with my now.

Esmeralda Camarena

I don’t let people disrespect or abuse me anymore.
Teri Woods

I’ve stopped yelling at my daughter and become a more patient and present parent.

Nika Redding
If you’re ready to gain the unwavering support you need in the moment and create lasting habit changes that redefine your life, seize this opportunity now.
Ericka Tapper
Since I did this, my friends and family have all asked me what the “big change” has been!
Marsha Bensoussan
This experience has been so helpful since day one.
Personal Transformation
Katie McClusky
I can honestly say I’ve become the person I’ve always wanted to be.
Personal Transformation
Jason McCourt
My partner and I are at our highest point.
Christine Wolters
I am completely blown away!
Carrie Dawson
I gained the confidence to land a higher-paying job!
Lisa McKay
There aren’t enough words to fully communicate what this experience has meant to me 🙏
Monika Mitchell
THIS is what I needed to move forward.
Tonya Salerno
I’ve felt more joy in the past week than I’ve felt in the past 5 years!
About Your Hosts
Isabelle Tierney
Isabelle Tierney, M.A., LMFT, BHS, is a licensed therapist, trailblazer, coach, speaker, consultant, and author. Isabelle has been in private practice internationally since 1996 with a strong specialty in habits and addictions. Isabelle is the creator of the methodology that will be taught in this course. Additionally, she travels the country leading workshops and speaking for audiences.
Philip Nicholas

Philip is a Master Certified Facilitator who draws from a wealth of experience coaching individuals and groups. He is committed to helping people improve the quality of their lives by making conscious, mindful choices and becoming more present in the moment. He not only teaches the principles of the method that will be taught in this course, but also embodies them in his own life.

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
October 4th – November 1st, 2023
Master the Art of Building Better Habits that Last
Frequently Asked Questions

The answer is a resounding YES! This program is designed to empower you to tackle a wide range of internally-driven or externally-based habits, including but not limited to:

Smoking / Vaping: Whether you’ve tried to quit multiple times or have been a smoker for years, our system can help you finally break free from this habit.

Emotional Eating: If you find yourself turning to food in times of stress or boredom, our course can provide the tools to help you build healthier eating habits.

● Drinking: If you’re looking to regain control over your drinking habits, our program can provide you with the support and strategies needed for a healthier relationship with alcohol.

Procrastination: Putting things off until the last minute can be a major roadblock to success. We’ll show you how to overcome procrastination once and for all.

Overspending: Struggling with impulse purchases and financial strain? We’ll guide you in forming mindful spending habits.

Negative Thinking: Our program is specifically designed to address and transform negative thinking patterns that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. Whether it’s self-doubt, constant worry, or a persistent pessimistic outlook, we provide you with the tools and techniques to rewire your thought processes and cultivate a more positive and empowering mindset.

People Pleasing: If you often find yourself saying “yes” to others at the expense of your own well-being and happiness, our course can help you break free from the cycle of people-pleasing. We’ll guide you in setting healthy boundaries, asserting yourself with confidence, and prioritizing your own needs and desires, while still maintaining positive relationships with others.

Social Media Addiction: If you spend more time scrolling through social media than you’d like, our course can help you regain control over your screen time.

No matter what habits you’re battling, rest assured that this method has helped individuals facing these very same challenges to overcome them successfully.

Yes, all of the calls will be recorded. This way, you can review the material and discussions at your convenience if you miss a session or want to revisit the content.

The course consists of 5 weekly Zoom calls on Wednesdays from 5:00PM – 6:30PM MDT, starting on October 4th. In addition to these main sessions, there will be 30-minute Zoom accountability sessions available every Monday and Friday from 9:00AM – 9:30AM MDT. These additional sessions are designed to provide you with opportunities to practice “scripting” and be supported in realizing your goals.

Yes, this course is open to both men and women. It is designed to benefit individuals of all genders who are looking to make positive changes in their lives and develop valuable skills related to habit transformation and personal growth.

Cooyright The Feel Good Life. All Rights Reserved.

This webpage and the program it describes contain strategies, methods and advice that, regardless of referenced results, may not produce the same results for you. The trainers offer no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content provided you will experience the same results experienced by other clients. Results will depend on the individual, the conditions and circumstances of your own experience. As with any transformational endeavor, you assume responsibility for the results you experience.

Join Isabelle LIVE on Thursdays

Every Thursday, we workshop the Methodology and share real-life stories to help you change your habitual patterns. Register to get all of the details you’ll need to join us sent to your inbox—I can’t wait to see you there.