Body Beloved Immersion
Thursdays June 29-July 27, 2023
An exclusive opportunity to work with me and a small group of inspired women in an intimate 4-week Immersion (+ a Bonus week!), a sacred container hosted virtually on Zoom.
This is for you if you resonate with one or more of these:
– You’re sick and tired of wasting your time, energy, and money stuck in an unfulfilling relationship with your body but haven’t known how to change it for good

– You’re ready to let go of comparison and criticism and cultivate gratitude and acceptance for your body

– You know that healing your relationship to your body is a crucial aspect of your self-development and are ready to immerse yourself into it deeply
We cannot access true and sustainable well-being and happiness (what can also be called living Heaven on Earth) if we are not in a healthy relationship with our bodies. I believe with every ounce of my being that this is the time to change this unhealthy relationship and create a brand new world, for ourselves, our children, our planet.
Week 1: The Miracle: Learn the perfectly good reason why you’ve struggled with loving your body (it’s not your fault!) and step into a sacred relationship with it instead.

Week 2: The Art of True Listening: Learn why it’s so hard to listen to your body (that pesky ego has something to do with it) and become skilled at hearing, understanding, and following your body’s needs.

Week 3: The Power of Communication: Undo negative communication patterns that harm your body, mind, and soul, and learn to speak to your body as the Beloved, awakening states of peace, love, and joy.

Week 4: The Gift of Give-and-Take: Put an end to the story of deprivation and sacrifice, and learn how to meet both your needs and your body’s needs.

BONUS Week 5: Learn how to nourish your body with high-frequency foods with Philip Nicholas, a classically-trained chef, passionate home cook, and Body Beloved ambassador.
Calls will be held Thursday June 29th, July 6th, July 13th, and July 20th at 10AM MT (90 minutes each). Bonus Week with Philip Nicholas is July 27th at 10AM MT (60 minutes).
Isabelle Personal Zoom Room, virtual only.
Replays will be made available.
There will be a pop-up Facebook group available for questions, live teachings, and shares between sessions.

Book a free call to connect with Isabelle and discover if this course is the right fit for you.

About Your Host

About Your Host

Isabelle Tierney

Isabelle Tierney, M.A., LMFT, BHS, is a licensed therapist, trailblazer, coach, speaker, consultant, and author. Isabelle has been in private practice internationally since 1996 with a strong specialty in eating disorders, body image, and other painful habits and addictions. Isabelle is the creator of Body Beloved: The Inside-Out Way to Love Your Body, born out of her passion to empower women by healing their relationships with their bodies. Additionally, she travels the country leading workshops and speaking for audiences on topics such as eating disorders, stress, and addiction.

Join Isabelle LIVE on Thursdays

Every Thursday, we workshop the Methodology and share real-life stories to help you change your habitual patterns. Register to get all of the details you’ll need to join us sent to your inbox—I can’t wait to see you there.